I Have a Teenager!

Our lives were forever changed this day 13 years ago. 13!  Kami's birth was a day filled with excitement combined with fear and tears.  As soon as she was born I saw this pudgey little Mexican looking baby with dark curly hair and a perfectly round face.  Her sweet hands popped up at me as they placed her on my chest, and I was alarmed, but so taken by her beauty.  

Kami had to be the easiest baby ever.  She was sleeping through the night within that first week!  The girl was adored...I mean so adored by anyone who laid eyes on her.  I can unbiasedly say that she was an unusually beautiful baby.

She's had to endure some pretty painful surgeries, and has declared that she will not ever be having another one.  She's experienced a lot of things that many grown adults have not had to face, but I believe it's divinely what has made her so strong.

We were concerned that Kami would be more shy and withdrawn, but thankfully we were wrong.  She has a passion for life that is so contagious.  We often find little sticky notes with "I love my life" or "I love my family" or whatever she loves that day on it.  She likes to use any mirror in the house as her white board to express herself.

So if you haven't been knocked over by Kami with her affectionate hugs it's because she isn't sure you are ok with a hug, but the girl is affection personified.  She is super aware and perceptive.  If she can tell it's been a blah day...big hug,  if she sees sadness in my eyes...big hug, if she is bored:)...big hug.

Kami has a heart of compassion that is all consuming to her at times.  I remember when Nathan died (a young guy that was in our band at church).  She just followed us around, knowing the sadness and wanting to do something, but not sure what to do.  Often after a death I just don't know how to be around the family who has experienced the loss, but Kami just didn't care.  I remember my heart pounding and tears when Kami attacked Cheri (Nathan's mom) with a tight long hug who she barely knew at the time.  And still just has a special place for Cheri in her heart.  I remember when Dave lost his dad she wouldn't come downstairs to see Dave because she just couldn't stand the thought of seeing him cry (I think part of it is her response would be to hug, but unsure if he would be ok with it).  She cries when we cry.  When her Great Grandpa died we got to my in-laws house, and Kami went in, sat on "Leto's" bed and just cried.  Such and connected and sentimental girl.

Kami loves babies.  She has a huge heart for the orphan.  She's always said, "when I grow up I'm adopting" (some of that is cuz she's "done with surgeries" and scared to death of the pain:) ).  She has had these pictures of random black babies on her bulletin board, and I asked her who they were..."I don't know I printed them off, but aren't they so cute...I just can't wait to adopt".  She obviously has played a huge role in our decision to add to our family through adopting.

I love that she is unafraid of conversation--kinda annoying at times when I'm trying to have conversations with other adults and she wants to be right smack in the middle of it...radar.  

I'm always so encouraged as I hear from others what a neat young lady Kami is.  Her teachers love her--I think it's in part because she is so unafraid to inquire about their lives and not just talk about herself.

So lest I paint an unrealistic picture of a perfect child...she does give me the look that makes steam blow out my ears, she ignores me ("I didn't hear you"), she doesn't do what I ask at times ("i forgot"), she fights with her sister ("not my fault")--but she really does love her sisters, and leads them well.  It's so awesome to see them play, hug, walk arm in arm and say "i love you" to one another.

It's been so amazing to see Kami's heart awaken to God.  She has conviction and desires to follow him with her life.  

I'm so proud of you, Kami Rose.  My life is full with you in it.  You remind me to never stop hugging:) and to find ways to love life.  I love your perspective and spunk.

God knew exactly what he was doing when he spoke, "And let there be Kamryn Rose Holdridge".  And then he said, "This is great!"

God, thank you for this adorable gift of a beautiful girl you have given me through Kamryn Rose on this day 13 years ago.


  1. Very well written Heidi. You have pictured clearly this extremely beautiful young girl (i mean woman). I know she is out first grandchild....and may seem a little prejudice.....however, she was the most beautiful baby I had seen, when she was born. I could not believe the beautiful coloring, dark hair and eyes and personality plus, from the beginning. Though we were so sad to hear about her hands, I honestly forget about it unless someone brings it up. You and Jason have done a great job helping her realize that God made her perfectly and He has an awesome plan for her. She is such a gifted little gal. Hug her all day for me. I love her and am so proud of her. I pray she will always follow Jesus and have great freedom to be who she has been designed to be.


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