It's Noisy

Exodus 14:14 "The Lord will fight for you. You need only to be still."

I've been challenged and encouraged lately to take time to be quiet, to be still in God's presence, to take that deep breath in, taking in his way, his thoughts and breathing out my way and my thoughts.

I just finished reading "Living Fearless" by Jamie Winship. I read through it with a few friends. It was so good to talk over our thoughts and questions, sharing what God so specifically spoke to each one of us.

His first challenge was to simply get in a quiet space, ask God what he wants to say to me and then just listen. I heard nothing so I sat longer. I've been so turned off by people saying they heard God tell them... because often from the outside in it so appears to be them coming up with their own narrative of what they want, but if they preface it with "God told me" then it oddly shuts down any opposition. I mean who am I to say, "no, God didn't say that." I've had some super weird situations where people came to me, saying God told them to tell me this or that. And at the risk of sounding rude--no, God did not tell you to tell me that. That was a weird thought you had that has nothing to do with anything. I've also had some moments where God so clearly did speak through someone or to me directly. So when I've been challenged to take time to listen for God to speak it becomes challenging because I completely turn off my own thoughts in an attempt to only hear God. Then I weigh every thought so intently. I just don't want my own thoughts to shove their way past what God is wanting to say to me.

Then I was at a conference with a bunch of our staff recently. A woman got up to share, but didn't really share much. She just had us close our eyes and take a deep breath first. Do you do that? She then had us imagine we were in a safe place...think of the place you feel most relaxed and safe. Mine was my mom and dad's bedroom in that chair I used to sit in. For years when I would be there visiting with my family after my kids went to bed I'd go sit in that chair many times eating popcorn and jelly beans (my mom's guilty pleasure) and watch an episode of NCIS with them. As my dad would often drift off to sleep my mom and I would talk. Then when she got sick we would find ourselves sitting in there talking more, sometimes watching more as she would rest. Then the hospice bed came in. I sat in the chair, my dad sat in a chair right next to my mom, and Brady sat on my parents bed. We often had quiet worship music playing as we would read, work from our computers, talk quietly and closely watch mom's breathing. Even in such a sad place it felt safe. I think it felt safe because God's presence was so evident.

I'm learning not to be rushed. I'm trying to be more conscious. Just listening. Waiting a little longer. Allowing silence even in conversation with people. That space is uncomfortable at first, but it doesn't have to be. 

That quiet space is where we make room for God to come in and lift the load of whatever heaviness we carry. It's a lot harder to hand over anything we carry when we are moving, but if we slow down and just stop for a second the transfer is so much smoother. 

"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light." Matthew 11:28-30


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